composer --prefer-dist denisogr/yii2-cronjobs "dev-master"
<?php Yii::setAlias('@runnerScript', dirname(dirname(dirname(__FILE__))) .'/yii');
'controllerMap' => [ 'cron' => [ 'class' => 'denisog\cronjobs\CronController' ], ],
<?php $params = array_merge( require(__DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params.php'), require(__DIR__ . '/../../common/config/params-local.php'), require(__DIR__ . '/params.php'), require(__DIR__ . '/params-local.php') ); return [ 'id' => 'app-console', 'basePath' => dirname(__DIR__), 'bootstrap' => ['log'], 'controllerNamespace' => 'console\controllers', 'components' => [ //'log' => [ // 'targets' => [ // [ // 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', // 'levels' => ['error', 'warning'], // ], // ], // ], 'errorHandler' => [ // 'maxSourceLines' => 30, ], ], 'controllerMap' => [ 'cron' => [ 'class' => 'denisog\cronjobs\CronController' ], ], 'params' => $params, ];
\common\config\main.php组件中加入log的配置:也即是配置log categories:cron_controller_logs
'log' =>[ # 追踪级别 # 消息跟踪级别 # 在开发的时候,通常希望看到每个日志消息来自哪里。这个是能够被实现的,通过配置 log 组件的 yii\log\Dispatcher::traceLevel 属性, 就像下面这样: 'traceLevel' => YII_DEBUG ? 3 : 0, # 通过 yii\log\Logger 对象,日志消息被保存在一个数组里。为了这个数组的内存消耗, 当数组积累了一定数量的日志消息,日志对象每次都将刷新被记录的消息到 log targets 中。 你可以通过配置 log 组件的 yii\log\Dispatcher::flushInterval 属性来自定义数量 'flushInterval' => 1, 'targets' => [ 'file1' =>[ //'levels' => ['warning'], 'categories' => ['cron_controller_logs'], 'class' => 'yii\log\FileTarget', # 当 yii\log\Logger 对象刷新日志消息到 log targets 的时候,它们并 不能立即获取导出的消息。相反,消息导出仅仅在一个日志目标累积了一定数量的过滤消息的时候才会发生。你可以通过配置 个别的 log targets 的 yii\log\Target::exportInterval 属性来 自定义这个数量,就像下面这样: 'exportInterval' => 1, # 输出文件 'logFile' => '@app/runtime/logs/cron_controller_logs.log', # 你可以通过配置 yii\log\Target::prefix 的属性来自定义格式,这个属性是一个PHP可调用体返回的自定义消息前缀 'prefix' => function ($message) { return $message; }, # 除了消息前缀以外,日志目标也可以追加一些上下文信息到每组日志消息中。 默认情况下,这些全局的PHP变量的值被包含在:$_GET, $_POST, $_FILES, $_COOKIE,$_SESSION 和 $_SERVER 中。 你可以通过配置 yii\log\Target::logVars 属性适应这个行为,这个属性是你想要通过日志目标包含的全局变量名称。 举个例子,下面的日志目标配置指明了只有 $_SERVER 变量的值将被追加到日志消息中。 # 你可以将 logVars 配置成一个空数组来完全禁止上下文信息包含。或者假如你想要实现你自己提供上下文信息的方式, 你可以重写 yii\log\Target::getContextMessage() 方法。 'logVars' => [], ], ], ],
创建log文件,设置写权限 :
touch console/runtime/logs/cron_controller_logs.log chmod 777 console/runtime/logs/cron_controller_logs.log
'cronJobs' =>[ 'test/example1' => [ 'cron' => '* * * * *', 'cron-stdout'=> '/tmp/ExampleCommand.log', 'cron-stderr'=> '/tmp/ExampleCommandError.log', ], 'test/example2' => [ 'cron' => '10 * * * *', ], ],
也就是加入了两个cron任务,一个是test/example1 这个任务是每分钟执行一次,这个任务的输出文件为cron-stdout对应的log文件,错误输出文件为cron-stderr对应的log文件。 另外一个任务是 test/example2
touch /tmp/ExampleCommand.log touch /tmp/ExampleCommandError.log chmod 777 /tmp/ExampleCommand.log chmod 777 /tmp/ExampleCommandError.log
<?php namespace console\controllers; use Yii; use yii\console\Controller; class TestController extends Controller { public function actionExample11(){ echo 1;exit; } }
./yii cron/run
tail -f /tmp/ExampleCommandError.log
Error: Unknown command "test/example1".
因为上面我们的controller的action是actionExample11 ,两个1,去掉一个,在执行
vim /tmp/ExampleCommand.log
$command = $this->interpreterPath.' '. $command. $concat . escapeshellarg($stdout). ' 2>'.(($stdout === $stderr)?'&1':escapeshellarg($stderr)); if ($this->isWindowsOS()){
$command = $this->interpreterPath.' '. $command. $concat . escapeshellarg($stdout). ' 2>>'.(($stdout === $stderr)?'&1':escapeshellarg($stderr)); if ($this->isWindowsOS()){
public $updateLogFile = false;
public $updateLogFile = true;
<?php /** * User: Denis Porplenko <denis.porplenko@gmail.com> * Date: 16.07.14 * Time: 14:51 */ namespace denisog\cronjobs; use Yii; use yii\console\Controller; use yii\console\Exception; class CronController extends Controller { const CATEGORY_LOGS = 'cron_controller_logs'; /** * @var string PHPDoc tag prefix for using by PHPDocCrontab extension. */ public $tagPrefix = 'cron'; /** * @var string PHP interpriter path (if empty, path will be checked automaticly) */ public $interpreterPath = null; /** * @var string path to writing logs */ public $logsDir = null; /** * Update or rewrite log file * False - rewrite True - update(add to end logs) * @var bool */ public $updateLogFile = true; /** * Placeholders: * %L - logsDir path * %C - name of command * %A - name of action * %P - pid of runner-script (current) * %D(string formatted as arg of date() function) - formatted date * @var string mask log file name */ public $logFileName = '%L/%C.%A.log'; /** * @var string Bootstrap script path (if empty, current command runner will be used) */ public $bootstrapScript = null; /** * @var string Timestamp used as current datetime * @see http://php.net/manual/en/function.strtotime.php */ public $timestamp = 'now'; /** * @var string the name of the default action. Defaults to 'run'. */ public $defaultAction = 'run'; /** * Initialize empty config parameters. */ public function init() { parent::init(); //Checking PHP interpriter path if ($this->interpreterPath === null){ if ($this->isWindowsOS()){ //Windows OS $this->interpreterPath = 'php.exe'; } else{ //nix based OS $this->interpreterPath = '/usr/bin/env php'; } } //Checking logs directory if ($this->logsDir === null){ $this->logsDir = Yii::$app->getRuntimePath(); } //Checking bootstrap script if ($this->bootstrapScript === null){ $this->bootstrapScript = Yii::getAlias('@runnerScript'); } } /** * Provides the command description. * @return string the command description. */ public function getHelp() { $commandUsage = Yii::getAlias('@runnerScript').' '.$this->getName(); return <<<RAW Usage: {$commandUsage} <action> Actions: view <tags> - Show active tasks, specified by tags. run <options> <tags> - Run suitable tasks, specified by tags (default action). help - Show this help. Tags: [tag1] [tag2] [...] [tagN] - List of tags Options: [--tagPrefix=value] [--interpreterPath=value] [--logsDir=value] [--logFileName=value] [--bootstrapScript=value] [--timestamp=value] RAW; } /** * Transform string datetime expressions to array sets * * @param array $parameters * @return array */ protected function transformDatePieces(array $parameters){ $dimensions = array( array(0,59), //Minutes array(0,23), //Hours array(1,31), //Days array(1,12), //Months array(0,6), //Weekdays ); foreach ($parameters AS $n => &$repeat) { list($repeat, $every) = explode('\\', $repeat, 2) + array(false, 1); if ($repeat === '*') $repeat = range($dimensions[$n][0], $dimensions[$n][1]); else { $repeatPiece = array(); foreach (explode(',', $repeat) as $piece) { $piece = explode('-', $piece, 2); if (count($piece) === 2) $repeatPiece = array_merge($repeatPiece, range($piece[0], $piece[1])); else $repeatPiece[] = $piece[0]; } $repeat = $repeatPiece; } if ($every > 1) foreach ($repeat AS $key => $piece){ if ($piece%$every !== 0) unset($repeat[$key]); } } return $parameters; } /** * Parsing and filtering PHPDoc comments. * * @param string $comment Raw PHPDoc comment * @return array List of valid tags */ protected function parseDocComment($comment){ if (empty($comment)) return array(); //Forming pattern based on $this->tagPrefix $pattern = '#^\s*\*\s+@('.$this->tagPrefix.'(-(\w+))?)\s*(.*?)\s*$#im'; //Miss tags: //cron, cron-tags, cron-args, cron-strout, cron-stderr if (preg_match_all($pattern, $comment, $matches, PREG_SET_ORDER)){ foreach ($matches AS $match) $return[$match[3]?$match[3]:0] = $match[4]; if (isset($return[0])){ $return['_raw'] = preg_split('#\s+#', $return[0], 5); $return[0] = $this->transformDatePieces($return['_raw']); //Getting tag list. If empty, string "default" will be used. $return['tags'] = isset($return['tags'])?preg_split('#\W+#', $return['tags']):array('default'); return $return; } } } /** * OS-independent background command execution . * * @param string $command * @param string $stdout path to file for writing stdout * @param string $stderr path to file for writing stderr */ protected function runCommandBackground($command, $stdout, $stderr){ $concat = ($this->updateLogFile) ? ' >>' : ' >'; $command = $this->interpreterPath.' '. $command. $concat . escapeshellarg($stdout). ' 2>>'.(($stdout === $stderr)?'&1':escapeshellarg($stderr)); if ($this->isWindowsOS()){ //Windows OS pclose(popen('start /B "Yii run command" '.$command, 'r')); } else{ //nix based OS system($command.' &'); } } /** * Checking is windows family OS * * @return boolean return true if script running under windows OS */ protected function isWindowsOS(){ return strncmp(PHP_OS, 'WIN', 3) === 0; } /** * Running actions associated with {@link PHPDocCrontab} runner and matched with timestamp. * * @param array $args List of run-tags to running actions (if empty, only "default" run-tag will be runned). */ public function actionRun($args = array()){ $tags = &$args; $tags[] = 'default'; //Getting timestamp will be used as current $time = strtotime($this->timestamp); if ($time === false) throw new CException('Bad timestamp format'); $now = explode(' ', date('i G j n w', $time)); $runned = 0; foreach ($this->prepareActions() as $task) { if (array_intersect($tags, $task['docs']['tags'])){ foreach ($now AS $key => $piece){ //Checking current datetime on timestamp piece array. if (!in_array($piece, $task['docs'][0][$key])) continue 2; } //Forming command to run $command = $this->bootstrapScript.' '.$task['command'].'/'.$task['action']; if (isset($task['docs']['args'])) $command .= ' '.escapeshellcmd($task['docs']['args']); //Setting default stdout & stderr if (isset($task['docs']['stdout'])) $stdout = $task['docs']['stdout']; else $stdout = $this->logFileName; $stdout = $this->formatFileName($stdout, $task); if(!is_writable($stdout)) { $stdout = '/dev/null'; } $stderr = isset($task['docs']['stderr'])?$this->formatFileName($task['docs']['stderr'], $task):$stdout; if(!is_writable($stderr)) { $stdout = '/dev/null'; } $this->runCommandBackground($command, $stdout, $stderr); Yii::info('Running task ['.(++$runned).']: '.$task['command'].' '.$task['action'], self::CATEGORY_LOGS); } } if ($runned > 0){ Yii::info('Runned '.$runned.' task(s) at '.date('r', $time), self::CATEGORY_LOGS); } else { Yii::info('No task on '.date('r', $time), self::CATEGORY_LOGS); } } /** * Show actions associated with {@link PHPDocCrontab} runner. * * @param $args array List of run-tags for filtering action list (if empty, show all). */ public function actionView($args = array()){ $tags = &$args; foreach ($this->prepareActions() as $task) { if (!$tags || array_intersect($tags, $task['docs']['tags'])){ //Forming to using with printf function $times = $task['docs']['_raw']; array_unshift($times, $task['command'].'.'.$task['action']); array_unshift($times, "Action %-40s on %6s %6s %6s %6s %6s %s\n"); array_push($times, empty($task['docs']['tags'])?'':(' ('.implode(', ', $task['docs']['tags']).')')); call_user_func_array('printf', $times); } } } protected function formatFileName($pattern, $task){ $pattern = str_replace( array('%L', '%C', '%A', '%P'), array($this->logsDir, $task['command'], $task['action'], getmypid()), $pattern ); return preg_replace_callback('#%D\((.+)\)#U', create_function('$str', 'return date($str[1]);'), $pattern); } /** * Help command. Show command usage. */ public function actionHelp(){ echo $this->getHelp(); } /** * Getting tasklist. * * @return array List of command actions associated with {@link PHPDocCrontab} runner. */ protected function prepareActions() { $actions = array(); try { $methods = Yii::$app->params['cronJobs']; }catch (yii\base\ErrorException $e) { throw new yii\base\ErrorException('Empty param cronJobs in params. ',8); } if (!empty($methods)) { foreach ($methods as $runCommand => $runSettings) { $runCommand = explode('/', $runCommand); if (count($runCommand) == 2) { $actions[] = array( 'command' => $runCommand[0], 'action' => $runCommand[1], 'docs' => $this->parseDocComment($this->arrayToDocComment($runSettings)) ); } if (count($runCommand) == 3) { $actions[] = array( 'command' => $runCommand[0] . '/' . $runCommand[1], 'action' => $runCommand[2], 'docs' => $this->parseDocComment($this->arrayToDocComment($runSettings)) ); } if (count($runCommand) == 4) { $actions[] = array( 'command' => $runCommand[0] . '/' . $runCommand[1] . '/' . $runCommand[2], 'action' => $runCommand[3], 'docs' => $this->parseDocComment($this->arrayToDocComment($runSettings)) ); } if(empty($actions)) { continue; } } } return $actions; } protected function arrayToDocComment(array $runSettings) { $result = "/**\n"; foreach ($runSettings as $key => $setting) { $result .= '* @' . $key . ' ' . $setting . "\n"; } $result .= "*/\n"; return $result; } }
然后我们需要设置cron ,让 ./yii cron/run 可以每分钟运行。
'cron' => '*\2 * * * *',
'cron' => '10,25-30,40 *\2 15-21,23-27 1-6\2 *',